Professional Clearer® Mini Course

Your Instructor

Althea Gray
Althea Gray

Althea Gray comes from a lineage of Healers from Nicaragua.

She studied with spiritual teachers around the world since the age of 17. This has made her approach to ‘healing’ deep and compassionate.

Althea’s desire is to stretch people’s understanding of the benefits and uses of ‘subtle healing’.

She places traditional healing systems and ancient knowledge into a modern context so that ‘healers’ can better interface with a client’s therapies.

She gives ‘healers’ and clients an understandable language to describe what they are doing and why.

Healers hold a unique and important place in the world of wellness and human evolution.

Healer's goals are to: Heal, Educate, and Uplift.

Althea founded Althea Gray’s International Institute for Professional Healers to help ‘healers’ cross that threshold into a ‘professional’ world.

The Institute also holds a place for clients to learn more about the ‘healers’ world and what they can do for their own selfcare.

Althea’s other accomplishments include:

  • International Lecturer
  • Founder of Professional Clearer ®
  • Founder of the Gold Kit A non-medical ‘light’ therapy
  • Certified Feng Shui Consultant
  • Retreats with a Purpose
  • Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka

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